
@sickburnbro I used to fear the coming "hard times", but now I'm just growing impatient and worried that when the shit collapses I won't have the physical strength to impale communists.

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@Tfmonkey @sickburnbro if it every comes, i feel more and more we are going into a cyberpunk dystopia, either produce or die.

boomers will embrace the tech bodies, anything to be young again.

and the mark of the beast, the chip in the brain, to connect us to purgatory, the internet, i recently started thinking that.

the spirits the natives talk about, are actually soul copies of ancient people who were stuck in the ancient net, and the signal towers rusted and became tree like.

@RodrickSage @Tfmonkey @sickburnbro Interesting if only for the metaphor. I do think there's something wicked with "transhumanism" though, besides the obvious attack on the human being as God created him.
>Upload 'consciousness' to computer body, totally a cyborg now and "live" forever. Given similar rights to regular people, including voting. Dead internet theory except it's civilization and reality.
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