the young people know, if they want to have a house, they need to make money in the city and save, to buy a house or land in rural states where is cheaper.

but they don't they don't want to, they don't want to drive an hour to the city, people forget that, you don't have t stay in a job all your life, you don't have to be a manager forever, you don't have to be a trucker for ever.

just looks at Aaron Clarey, he was an economist, up until he paid for his house, after that he worked part time.


@RodrickSage I used to commute 45 minutes each way to work in the city back when I had a 9 to 5 office job. I wouldn't have the skills and experience to run my own business if I didn't do that.

@Tfmonkey @RodrickSage i was promised a succulent meal of nukes :( still waitin on that.a neat way to commute to the city flawlessly is to just get motor bike,it actually makes living 3 hours away by car great. but with bike being 40mins . meaning u can eat ur cake and have it too.also adding that killing fields buffer but with access to jobs abd ability to have time to bug out further distance when shtf. thoughts? just dont become road kill . work nights for more safety

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