@Tfmonkey The US put nukes in turkey almost 3 years before the cuban missile crisis, after putting them in several other European countries, all of which was against international agreements at the time. The Soviet union was responding to what the US was doing at the time, not to mention all the bases and agreements they were putting around the Soviet union. We haven't been the good guys in a very long time, maybe we never were, maybe everyone is just varying degrees of bad...

@Tfmonkey About that experiment you referenced: If 75 percent agreed b matched, then there was more than 1 already saying c, right? 25 percent of 15 participants is more than 1 and if 1 person agreed with you c was correct then it dropped to 5 percent? I don't see how that works out with like the maths...

@UnpopularOpinion all except one of the participants was an actor. The actor conformed with the group 75% of the time when they all agreed on the wrong answer buy only 5% when one actor said the right answer.

@Tfmonkey Murdering protestors isn't the line. Protestors have already been murdered. Her name was Ashli Babbitt, she was unarmed and just standing there, and a cop shot her in the face. Nothing happened. As per usual.

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