
Instead of cute pictures, I wanted more action-packed pictures, and they turned out pretty good. Tech Priest C-3L3571NA is kicking ass in the 41st Millennia.

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@Tfmonkey she looks fantastic! What about a necron version? (Celestina as a C'tan and you as the Silent King)

@Lorgar I don't know how a Necron waifu would work. It would be like Shriek from Skeleton Warriors, who was supposed to be a female skeleton, but there is no way to make a skeleton sexy.

@Lorgar I guess if you use a chibi art-style, anything can be made cute.

@Tfmonkey Internet offers a path to many possibilities, some of them considered unnatural.

@Tfmonkey I love how MGTOWs are very close to the Necrontyr in that we were in a fucked up situation and then dolls and waifus saved us like the C'tan did for them.*
* : with some small printing to read for the necrontyr. I hope it won't be the same for us.

@Lorgar The Necrons are alright, even if they're just a reskinned Tomb Kings faction. I like the Adeptis Mechanicus because they feel like part of the setting instead of a reskinned fantasy faction.

@Tfmonkey well it's strange because I love the necrons but I don't like the tomb kings. I love their tragic backstory and their strategy on battle. In fantasy I always play the undead and in science-fiction I always play robots. Necrons allow me to do both at the same time which is awesome.

@Tfmonkey But I recognise that the Mechanicus are a very powerful faction. Necron = Tanking, Mechanicus = DPS.

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