@Tfmonkey I am thinking of switching jobs but I am worried that we might go in to a recession/depression and that I would be the first to be let go, I have been at my current job for 2 yrs now and want to know your thought on this.


@37712 You can't stop living your life because of bad things that "might" happen. Bad things are ALWAYS about the happen. There's always an economic crisis, a war, a pandemic, a terrorist attack, or something else happening on any given day.

Are you going to lock yourself inside and wait until the world becomes a perfect place?

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Not unless they get full-dive vidya up and running. Then maybe. Bonus points if they just go "No, there is no logging out. We figured nobody would ever use it so that saved us a half million lines of code. We spent those lines on better titty jiggles."
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