@shortstories a shit test is when women test their boundaries and see what they can get away with. Children engage in this behavior all the time when they whine, throw tantrums, or disobey.
Men don't need to shit test women for the same reasons parents don't throw tantrums and whine at their children to get them to do something they want.
@shortstories and those men yearn to be controlled and managed by slave masters because they recognize they're giant children.
Women are disgusted by such men, hence why male shit tests aren't common. Women want a man, not a woman with a dick.
Know an adult male who throws temper tantrums all the time and he still has not learned even though he is over 65. And yes he is a hardcore Democrat and believer in CNN and all the Democrat TV news channels.
Watches the TV hears republicans did something bad then yells and screams and stomps his feet like a child.
Does not yell because they media is wrong but yells because he believes the TV and is outraged with the bad republicans
Printer runs out of paper, yells and stomps...