
@rohrkrepierer Jews are disproportionately represented in the ruling class, but I assumed that their bond was more ideological than ethnic, and while I've known Leftists who employ double-standards to defend Israel, many other Leftists hate Israel for purely ideologically consistent reasons.

Seeing the entire Progressive establishment treat its own side like Trump supporters on this one issue because Israel is threatened proves that the bond is indeed more ethnic than ideological.

Jews are notoriously clannish so this is no surprise. That being said, Jews also have a long history of getting blown the fuck out in a rather predictably cyclical fashion, and they’re overdue for another curb stomping. So, the plan hasn’t changed one iota: just kick your feet up and enjoy the decline.

@NEETzsche @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer They've completely screwed themselves over, either their nonwhite pets take over the West, in which case Jews at best get it just as bad as the White people, or at worst they get outright genocided (if the Muslims end up taking over) - OR White people take their countries back, in which case Jews will get their just deserts after the Invaders they brought in have been kicked out.

Oh, and Israel has doomed itself too - by completely rejecting any realistic two-state solution, it will have to choose between eventually losing its Jewish majority (which will mean the death of Israel as we know it) or genociding/ethnically cleansing the Arabs, which will result in its neighboring countries going to war with it AGAIN, only this time Israel will lose said war, having grown fat and complacent (look at how badly Hamas on its own fucked the Jews up).

And what’s important to realize is that any anti-Jewish action from the White/Western world is not going to come from an organized army, but rather by mobs of angry civilians. Your average pogrom or whatever was mob justice that the state merely turned a blind eye to. That’s going to happen again.

@ChristiJunior @NEETzsche @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
It's not Israel that has rejected a two state solution. It's always been the Arabs that rejected it, pretty much because of religious reasons. The fanatic Muslims will never accept peace or acceptance of Israel. So you're kinda right, either Israel somehow manages to eliminate the radical Islamists (deconverting/deradicalization is an option), or they're fucked. Their only hope is that it seems not all Muslim nations are dominated by radicals, and they're many of them who are not interested in starting a religious war.
@NEETzsche @ChristiJunior @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
That's generally where things seem to be headed. They already have Arabs peacefully living and working in Israel. From my understanding, they are willing to offer Israeli citizenship to Palestinians who accept an Israeli national identity, who basically identify with the whole Jewish narrative of their struggle.
The only issue is finding a way to deal with Hamas and other radicals, who would just commit terrorist attacks if left to mingle in any civilized society.

Well, being ethnically sequestered into a ghetto like that is just cause for being violently “radical.” I wouldn’t want to be boxed into a ghetto on ethnic grounds. If someone did that to me, I’d want them exterminated. And I’d be in the right to want that, and to act it out.

Do jews not see the irony in herding Palestinians into ghettos, or do they simply not give a shit?

I’ve been thinking about this exact thing actually, but it’s not just with this. Jews are hypocrites about basically everything. And the thing is, the hypocrisy is usually quite transparent. Their Talmud says it’s okay to deceive, but the thing is, the ones we have now aren’t terribly deceptive or persuasive.

I know it’s kind of trite to invoke cyclicality, but I have a theory on this topic. I think that pogroms and holobungas and what-not delete all the low-quality jews. All the obvious retard jews just get got. This leaves the relatively normal jews who aren’t creating problems in the first place or who are subtle enough about it to not attract negative attention to themselves.

But then a few generations go by and there’s this spiraling, esclating brazenness that just gets out of pocket after a while, and results in another holobungapogrom. I really think this is how it works with jews.

@NEETzsche @ChristiJunior @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer @Hoss
Everyone is a hypocrite to some degree.
Interesting though that you're basically invoking evolution by "natural" selection for how Jews are today.
@Hoss @ChristiJunior @NEETzsche @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
Considering Gaza Palestinians are being excluded by Egypt too, I don't think accusing Israel of herding Palestinians is entirely fair. If US puts up an impenetrable border with Mexico, that wouldn't be herding. Even if US put up the wall after all of the other neighbors of Mexico did the same, I still wouldn't call that herding.
Besides, from my understanding, plenty of people from Gaza were allowed to travel and work in Israel. So :02_shrug:

Frankly I don’t think you can deescalate, and at this point I just want to hold Jews’ feet to the fire on the “part and parcel” rhetoric I had to listen to for the last 15 years. They told me to suck it up when Muslims/Mexicans/Africans came into our countries and fucked our shit up in their race wars. Now it’s their turn.

Open the gates to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Let them all in. Fill their hotels with them, give them free phones and cars, at tax payer expense. Then when these Muslims/whoever kill these jews, lecture them about Islamophobia.

They did it to us. Now it’s their turn.

The "cathedral" is just an effort by a kike to deflect blame from kikes and to huff one's own farts while doing so.

@ImperialAgent @rohrkrepierer maybe, and maybe turning "New World Order" into a WCW wresting faction in the early 2000s was motivated by and accomplished the same thing. Who can say?

@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer For me it boils down to:

- Jews being grotesquely overrepresented in every single anti-White, civilization-
destroying institution (academia, the media, the entertainment industry etc)

- 80% of Jews supporting the aggressively anti-White party, despite the slightly less anti-White party being EXTREMELY pro-Jew itself.

- Even the vast majority of "rightwing" Jews being anti-White and attacking any effort White people make to take their own side

- Countless small, petty acts that amount to Jews showing or outright saying how much they hate White people.

You don't have to buy into every single "conspiracy theory" about Jews to recognize that they're very bad news indeed.


To me, it’s the biblical precedent of God destroying Israel when it’s wicked. I refuse to stand between God and anything He wants to destroy

@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer

@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
Close, but ethnic is not quite right. It's more of a nationalistic bond, enhanced through religion. But otherwise, that's something I could have told you a long time ago. They're not an ideological monolith, but they might have one of the strongest nationalistic bonds, that managed to keep them unified as a people even when they didn't have a country they could call their own.

@scarlet @rohrkrepierer I see what you're saying, but nationalism tends to refer to recognizable countries with defined borders. I know there is this concept of racial nationalism, but most people are nationalistic are defined by a country, not a people.

That's why I said ethnic, but I could have said racial nationalism, or tribalism.

Definitions are muddled because race-based nationalism is associated with racism (probably by design) and it tend to make people defensive and obstruct dialogue.

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