Let's go israel. Wipe em all out. I want no fucking refugees. Nobody needs your sloppy seconds. Clean it up down to the last child, you dirty cocksuckers. If it's not a genocide, it's not a job well done.

If I see a single sand nigger refugee I'm going to start calling for the destruction of israel in revenge.

@Tfmonkey I will concede one thing now. There still won't be lockdowns. Of that I am 99% sure. However, the probability of the election being canceled outright is steadily increasing above infinitesimal. An opportunity to exploit the current weakness of the empire is presenting itself, and further escalation will lead to further desperation and chaos.

How exciting.

@ButtWorldsMan They will never give up power willingly. The crisis they use as an excuse hardly matters, and if the COVID variant falls flat, they'll come up with something else.

@Tfmonkey remember remember the claim of December. That's the time limit for the lockdown prediction.

I'll be around.

@ButtWorldsMan Go ahead and do your dance because I warned you about what the government was planning.

I will continue to warn people in an effort to help people prepare and survive, and the retards who want to point and laugh can be ignored/blocked/banned should they become too obnoxious with their autism.

@Tfmonkey We've gone from you confidently asserting to me in august it was going to happen, using the rhetorical schtick of "but tfm it hasn't happened yet therefore you're wrong" to mock my doubt, to now having that same confidence being shaken and the threat of bans over righteous gloating. It's okay to admit your analysis was wrong when the time comes, bud. It'll be okay.


@ButtWorldsMan I follow the facts on the ground which are always changing.

Again, if you get too obnoxious I'll just set you to ignore. I will not change the way I do business.

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>too obnoxious

So I get at least one post to gloat when the time comes.

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