
The cure to slave morality is to let go of blame and resentment and to take responsibility.

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@Tfmonkey This is the message of the Gospel as it pertains to how we should treat our neighbor and our enemies. At least as I understand it in my reading. I know I, and many other Christians fall way short of it, but it is what I feel Jesus calls us to nonetheless.

@IcarusWax @Tfmonkey

tl;dr: you're kinda right, but also kinda wrong.

Whatever criticism I have of current-day Jew cock-sucking Jordan Peterson, he has been an overall net positive for men, and his considerable academic and clinical experience will always be worthy of respect in my opinion.

Here's a more nuanced perspective on Resentment:

By the way, I appreciate you bringing Resentment up. It is a key fundamental to all evils.

@Tfmonkey I've spent time trying to make sense out of Christianity lately. I think that it, when properly understood through its contemplative traditions and the Eastern church's idea of theosis, sets the foundation for something even more profound than what Nietzche wrote without falling into slave morality. Maybe I'll title it "A Non-Christian's Apologetics" or something.

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