@Tfmonkey Saddest show in a while... I was disappointed with the lack of a response from Iran/Russia, but if you're right, then we're all fucked. Our lives/deaths won't have any meaning, we won't rebuild anything and humanity will be enslaved for generations. Unironically, this might be our best bet in such a scenario: youtube.com/watch?v=cEMXp1HlzU
But at this point I'm already expecting the sun to cuck out too.

@Based_Accelerationist Oh well, back to my plan of building a homestead in the woods and hoping for the best.

@Tfmonkey Not a bad plan Monkey. In a scenario where everyone cucks out, you'll want to go to the most inhospitable place you can handle long term and focus on camouflaging from satellites over having a big and more functional homestead.


@Based_Accelerationist I'm also considering joining a monastery. It would be a simple life.

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@Tfmonkey I'm afraid the only religion allowed in the future will be global homo. You'll have to pray to Moloch and bone a few kids... so not that different from most monasteries.

But I'm still confident that China will invade Taiwan and MAYBE we'll get WW3. And who knows, maybe Russia/Iran will find their balls soon enough. If not, WHY did Hamas attack Israel in the first place?

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