@Tfmonkey Hello TF Monkey.

I have a 30,000 square foot warehouse. I would be willing to buy and store physical oil on your behalf. I also have a source for good crude oil to purchase and hold. If you're interested let me know. Thanks.

@Tfmonkey Thank you for your response. If you change your mind my offer stands.


@Engineer The problem is I have no means of transport. I don't have a bunch of empty oil drums to store the oil off the tanker, nor the means to transport said drums to your warehouse even if it was free.

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@Tfmonkey I know. But my company does. I have an inexpensive source of oil storage drums and own a small fleet of class 6-8 trucks to transport them. I own a medium manufacturing company and we just moved to a newer, larger location. The old 30,000 square foot warehouse is effectively sitting empty because the commercial rental market in the area is shit right now. I also have a source of buying good quality Mississippian oil (referring to geological era, not location). This is a serious offer.

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