Fitness Update: I can't keep doing OMAD. My energy levels are too low and I'm pissed off all the time.

I'm trying to eat more low calorie highly filling things like eggs, chicken breasts, popcorn, etc.

I'm also doing weight lifting and less cardio. I'm still doing cardio 3X a week, but I'm trying to do weights 4-5X a week, but dealing with soreness sucks.

My Ozempic order has been delayed due to back order, but I will document how/if it works when it arrives. I ordered a 3 month supply.

Seems like a severe step.
Why not get a hair and blood test done to find out nutritional deficiencies? Filling those gaps would probably go a long way towards fixing the mood issues and helping with that last 20.

@BiggusDiccus I will use myself as a test monkey and see how it works.

A lot of celebrities are taking it, but as a professional reviewer, I'll bite the bullet and see for myself.

Also, it supposedly helps with insulin resistance, which is something that I've been dealing with for years.

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