
@PinochetsCommieCopter women aren't brainwashed, they're weak, and the weak value "equality".

the Leftist coalition consists of white women and various minorities who all want more power and goodies from the government.

White women are the foundation. Without white women, the entire Left falls apart. There aren't enough blacks, gays, and Jews to win an election without white women and weak men.

Feminism has ALWAYS been bad. The suffragettes were terrorists long before TV, and social media.

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@Tfmonkey Faggot sex toy salesman shouldnt you be busy shilling some bussy sex​ toys or something instead of being a Virgin with rage in my comment section
@PinochetsCommieCopter @Tfmonkey Did this obvious kike show up to do an "Id's ackshually the WAMMINS and nod da jews!"

Hey Turd, it's not 2014 anymore. White people aren't falling for your jewish schtick like they once were.

@Turdicus @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter You guys are ready to declare a race war and bring back the Third Reich, but refuse to stand up to your own women.

You're going to have to stand up to your women eventually, or else even if you get your precious ethnostate like Japan and South Korea, you'll still go extinct, as the fertility rates in Asia prove.

But sure, patriarchy is a Jewish psyop I guess.

@Tfmonkey @Turdicus @PinochetsCommieCopter Don't you have a store manniquen to stick your dick inside to make a couple sheckels?
@NecroHole @Tfmonkey @Turdicus @PinochetsCommieCopter One thing the world needs less of: coom product reviewers and their shitty political opinions
@Tfmonkey @Turdicus @PinochetsCommieCopter I'll explain what this kike TFM is doing for anyone not in the know.

He's trying to affirm that women are the problem with society, while explicitly ignoring that jews were at the forefront of not only the Women's Suffrage movement, but jews were also at the front of the Equal Rights movement and multicultural movements.
Something that was very easy for jews to do when they have an outsized role in news and entertainment media, as well as politics.

If this seems like crazy Nazi conspiracy theories, start digging into the heads of entertainment media. And ask yourself why the United States and Europe have such a vested interest in keeping that jew Zalensky in power in Ukraine, and why the US has sent a huge carrier group into the Middle East for a country that isn't even in the UN.

Once again jew, this isn't 2014. Your bullshit doesn't have as much pull as it once did. Go stick your dick in a plastic tube with Raging Golden Eagle.
@Tfmonkey @Turdicus @PinochetsCommieCopter One last thing, before I go Turd Eating Jew.

List the companies you did coomer product reviews for.
Let's see how many of them are headed by jews.
I want to see how much of a vested interest you have in dragging people away from noticing the jewish question.

@NecroHole @Tfmonkey @PinochetsCommieCopter @Turdicus
TFM didn't say it wasn't the Jews, he's just pointing out the fact that they took advantage of female nature and that women are the main enablers of all these issues. And if white people can't even stand up to their own women, then they'll never stand up to Israel either. People who warn you about the dangers of female nature, aren't the problem. The problem are those who tell you to cuck your movement because of women and "muh optics".

@Tfmonkey @Turdicus @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter What's the thing in common with Japan and South Korea?

Federal US military influence.

What's the thing in common between the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, and Big Media?

A bunch of mutilated, spiteful mutant tribals with too small of hats and too big of noses.

Worse, ones with high short-term opportunism, high verbal IQ, and a snivelstory that tugs the heartstrings of the overly empathetic.
Of course the God-damned hominid parasites have one over on our women. They're like Grogu Cuckoo birds. The only purpose one of these inbred bloodsucking neanderthal tribals serves is to instruct the greater human species on what to look out for.

@ZOOMMOON @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter @Turdicus This is basically that gymnastics meme where you overcomplicate everything in order to take the responsibility for women's behavior away from women themselves and place it onto Jews.

Let's say I agree with you, so what? Are you going to take women's rights away? No, you're not. Why? Because you would rather talk about Jews all day while your women murder your race.

Is this endless pussy worship a spiteful mutation perhaps?

@Tfmonkey @ZOOMMOON @PinochetsCommieCopter @Turdicus Hey, Shit Eating Jew.
It's been 3 months.
Where's that list of your sponsors so we can see how many jews give you money to fuck plastic pockets?
@Tfmonkey @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter @Turdicus Don't you have something to shove up your ass? I hear it's cheaper than Depends for people suffering Gay Jew Bowel.

Besides, it was you fucks who, with your matriarchal lineage faggotry, decided to inflict feminism on the rest of us. We were doing just fine until you non-dimorphic inbreeds spread that poison to the rest of us.
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