@Tfmonkey Drouge shutes and sea anchors are legitimate devices used in the sailing industry



@marlathetourist and they make ships sink proof in storms? Even small boats?

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@Tfmonkey I'm no nautical expert but I had a brief interest in kayaking and that's what introduced me to sea anchors and drouge chutes.

@marlathetourist I'm sure they work better than nothing, but would you live on a boat in the middle of the ocean in a collapse scenario and trust it with your life in a storm with no hope of rescue?

@Tfmonkey Even if I were an experienced sailor, the whole premise of surviving a societal collapse offshore, in a boat no less, seems extremely risky. So no.
There seemed to be some questions of validity of the sea anchors and chutes on the show so I decided to address that here. That's all.

@marlathetourist @Tfmonkey That run away on a boat seems like a really stupid idea

Also if anyone ACTUALLY knows about International Common Law and living in the private

You are safer on LAND then SEA

Also I expect during SHTF (2030-2035-2055)
the system will just mow down anyone escaping on a boat

We would be better off forming a offgrid community
in rural/remote/outback areas

Bunking down
and defending it
(Moat, Walls, Barb Wire, traps, Pewpew + Freedom seeds,etc)

As I expect NWO 2030 be focusing on relocating tax cattle from surburbs to smart minite city zones

@Tfmonkey @marlathetourist I would rather have submarine than boat. At least submarine can go underwater and hide from storms or enemies.

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