TIL that Nazis support women's rights because women supposedly voted for Hitler en masse, and thus taking women's rights away would be bad because women have proven to be good Nazi supporters in the past.

The truth it that in 1930s Germany religion was vastly more impactful, and Protestant women only supported the Nazis due to them being the Protestant party. None of that is replicatable in the modern world.

source johndclare.net/Weimar6_Geary.h


1 According to "the greatest story never told" Adolf Hitler was Catholic or at least grew up going to Catholic Church if I understood the documentary correctly. The majority of protestants might have supported him, I do not know

2 This shows that if women are raised in an environment with the right viewpoint they can take right actions. I really believe the problem with women getting educated in colleges and public schools is not that they are educated but how they are educated.


@shortstories women were educated at the elementary school level prior to women's rights so they could read, write, etc.

women's education (to a point) isn't the problem. Women's rights are the problem.

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