@Tfmonkey not worth listening to with Halsey and his scheming in it. He could pull that jew crap off on other topics but not when Iran and Israel are actively at it. It's laughable hearing his lies, yet time-wasting.

@Justicar @Tfmonkey
>Russia is raping a NATO equipped and trained army
>Halsey: NO, NO, NO! RUSSIA IS WEAK!!!

@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey

TFM: This time, Iran did not warn USA before the attack.
Halsey: Wrong.

Facts - Iran notified Russia beforehand, USA after they launched.

Halsey: 🤥

@Justicar @Tfmonkey
Halsey: “If Russia had these weapons then they would have already used them”
Also Halsey: “The US has these weapons, they’re just not using them”

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