From KimDotCom's twitter:

Gazprom just released these photos of a NATO Seafox drone that was found right next to Nord Stream 1 in 2015. The drone failed to detonate. NATO was caught red-handed and claimed the drone was lost during exercises. They tried it before. Go figure.

@UncleIroh I am not pro Russia, even though I appreciate Putin is the only world leader showing true leadership. That being said, I hope everyone who is anti-Russia by this point gets all the jabs and boosters.


This deliberate act of walking everyone into a war no-one wants has been happening for centuries.

Only THIS time:
1. we can all see how the sausage is made clearer than ever
2. this really could be it

@UncleIroh I just hope everything is destroyed as quick as possible, rather than dragging out the conflict for years. Just end it already.


Putin is fighting against a huge consortium of interests because dragging out wars is a money printer.

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