I think marriage gets a bad rep here.

So to be balanced I have listed all the benefits of getting married

1. Tax breaks
2. External validation
3. Children you don't own/control

Feel free to reply with more if you have any

There is nothing wrong with marriage, only the conditions under which it is lived.

Our current Western Progressive Empire has turned it into defacto slavery for some (responsibility without authority).

Under patriarchy however, marriage can be an unparalleled force-multiplier for happiness, community, productivity and Godliness.

At it's best, marriage to the right woman, from a good family, in a good community, under just laws can provide meaning & purpose in abundance.



But you need ALL of the above.

Consider the following toast given by a father at his daughter's wedding:

"I love my wife. I know that what I can accomplish alone does not compare to what I can do with her by my side.

Happiness. To love and be loved. These are the pursuits of life. They cannot be achieved in solitude and that is by design. Life is not mean to be lived alone."

Aaron Clarey is right, this kind of life is no longer on the menu. At all.


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