

Here's a summary of their 6 policy recommendations:

1. Classify incels as domestic terrorists
2. Include misogyny as hate speech
3. Increase/improve censorship algorithms
4. Create new pro-feminist propaganda programs aimed at boys
5. Target incels for new deradicalization programs
6. Create online honeypots that promote emasculated versions of acceptable maculinity.

Basically, a declaration of war against their own young men.

@UncleIroh @theFlow Not war, "reforging" as Solzhenitsyn named it.

The Gulag Archipelago Vol 2, page 67. They posted a slogan: "'A prisoner is an active participant
in socialist construction!" And they even thought up a term for
it too-reforging. (It was here that this term was invented.)'" (Events cir. 1930.)

@DoubleD @theFlow

It does seem to fit that pattern, but with important differences.

Reforging was performed explicitly on prisoners and dissidents as punishment.

The policy recommendations in that pdf however represent an illegal covert war against young native men and BOYS who currently are innocent of any actual crime.

It's disgusting.

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