If content creators on the right had 1/2 a dick they would explore sex dolls as a way to cure porn addiction.

If they did that I would take their finger-wagging at demoralized men more seriously.


The Christian right especially will never ever do that, even if studies proved 100% effectiveness.

Some parts of the secular right might.

@UncleIroh Which make no sense but whatever.

It amazes me how people completely miss the point either by accident or on purpose.

The dickless right: "Guys want sexdolls? What a bunch of lazy, toxic incels!" They need to man up make babies with these fat, vaxxed women"

Me. When I 1st heard about sex dolls:

"So It's gotten that bad huh? Well it's not my cup of tea but guys are gonna get their needs met somehow. *shrugs*"

The lack of empathy and perspicacity is crazy



The Christian right are a bunch of hypocrite Protestants and Catholics who between them support Zionism, female & trans clergy, LGBT, same sex marriage, gay couple baby adoption, single motherhood and will never call out women who fill their holes with all the sex toys. Men are the problem though.

We're seeing the end result of a 1000 year old schism between East/West Christianity play out in real time. Heresies always fail & Ortho-bros are having an "I told you so" moment.

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