

That's a dishonest take of Redpill vs ChristPill, a parody of each position designed to create division.

Both sides agree on the RP descriptions of reality, female nature, gynocentrism, etc..

The only real difference is in their solutions. Christ-Pillers recognize that pouring holy water on a whore's head doesn't make things right. RP's recognize that their sex dolls are demographic death.

ChristPill side:

Rollo vs ChristPill:



Wells said,I was about to say the same thing.

>Christ-Pillers recognize that pouring holy water on a whore's head doesn't make things right.


@UncleIroh >Christ-Pillers recognize that pouring holy water on a whore's head doesn't make things right

It worked for Hulk Hogan. He poured holy water on his new wife, and now magically, she isn't a whore who has 3 kids from a prior marriage. lmao

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