
We'll never know for sure without another whistleblower but it's already been revealed that most of these high level media people are CIA adjacent so it wouldn't surprise me at all


@basedbagel @BHG

Well it's an open secret that Congress is filled with spooks, Hollywood is infested with spooks, traditional mainstream media is in bed with spooks, and more recently that the CIA literally have their own desks in Big Tech.

Spooks have all the information, no accountability and get to be invisible. They're so OP.

To think that spooks don't run the country is naive.



I agree, i noticed after 2016 it's hard to find real content but it's also why I have faith still.

If normies were hopeless the constant censorship and propaganda wouldn't be necessary.

But it is and slowly but surely they're overplaying their hand.

@basedbagel @BHG

Even with all their OP, glowie bullshit propaganda still loses against armies of dedicated autitstic shitposters.



LOL ikr people like to say TRP had no impact after it was banned but I disagree.

TRP was banned/infiltrated BECAUSE it had impact.

I was never a normie but I was a leftist up until 2016.

My issues w/ women led to me figuring out what else I was lied to about.

Many bannings later and here I am shitposting on Mastodon with some wild neighbors.

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