we are truely fucked , go read about teachers facing illiterate kids even 18 year olds

@dander they didn’t mention what race the kids were.

@Mr_Mister @dander

It's all races. They have intentionally been turning children into zombies.

This is why homeschooling, no vaccinations, clean food, rules around social media and a like-minded community is essential.

Guess which communities check all those boxes?


Nope. Religious patriarchal communties. There are no non-religious patriarchal communities anywhere in the west. None.

@UncleIroh yeah cuz the government cracks down on them preventing them from forming.


Literally nothing stopping you from starting your own.

Owen Benjamin has one, he calls it Beartaria. Sure, it's turned into a cult, it's small, people laugh at him cause he's a grifter and no-one wants to join, but there's nothing stopping you from starting the same kind of failure.

Or are you going to bitch and moan some more?

@UncleIroh the only things different than a cult and religion are size and social acceptance.

“people laugh at him cause he’s a grifter”

> Ok so you just admitted he’s a faker. So what’s the point of even bringing him up?

‘Hey bro some guy is doing what you want to do except he’s not actually sincere and is just doing it for money and everyone knows it. Hahahaha your idea is stupid.’


Now you're getting it. Patriarchy without religion is a stupid fairytale.

@UncleIroh How?

I asked you this before and you just made some sarcastic remark like Hunter Avallone would do.




Because patriarchy without religion has never existed, nor will it ever.

That''s a fairytale for stupid people.

@UncleIroh “nor will it ever”

Argument from assertion fallacy. 🥱

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