The "Dialogue Works" guy who interviews most of the same people as Judge Nap, Daniel Davis, and The Duran, had a couple of boomers on yesterday that were pretty good.

The geopolitics space is quite interesting these days.


His interview with Alex Krainer is also good.

It's the first credible theory I've heard that when it comes to Syria, Israel and the US might have walked into a well-planned trap.


Why would Russia trap Israel if Russia is run by kikes from Chabad Lubavitch?


I forgot for a moment that you're 1/3 of the Merovingian Dream Team - You, VeganMoron, and BussyAccelerationist.

Never mind.

@UncleIroh i caught only the end, will rewatch later. i follow his channel. i think pepe escobar frequents his channel the most(and napolitano), hence how i found him last year.

@UncleIroh i do not buy that russia and iran and turkey were on it. pepe mentioned how visibly angry lavrov was in some meeting about this. which is unheard of for him. i think iran and rusisa just cut their losses. nima had some russian guy on yesterday who said how shitty the region and culture is and how backstabbing they are and putin once said "we cannot be more syrian than syrians" and it was known in russian army that syrians are incapable and will not fight.turkey shot itself in the foot


Hmm, the problems of very low signal-to-noise ratio on truth AND it being too soon to tell makes Inductive speculation difficult.

Even then, I see almost no flaws in Krainer's analysis or speculation.

Sacrificing Syria to US/Israel in exchange for a clearer chess board & longer game-plan makes sense to me.

As ever, the eternal "We'll see" has been invoked, but my gut tells me that Syria's "fall" wasn't as much of a surprise to Russia, Iran and China as we're being led to believe.


I for one do not buy that Russia, Iran, Lebanon, and especially Syria itself, had no prior intel on what was happening in Idlib, Kurd-controlled North East, or in their own army, to the extent that they were taken completely by surprise and suddenly overwhelmed.

I could be wrong, but I'm betting I'm not.


Also, it's an interesting time to listen to the various Western-located 2nd-generation Iranian geopoltiical commentators.

Here they are:
1. Nima, from Dialogue Works - Brazilian-Iranian civil engineer. Don't know much about him.

2. Dr Neema Parvini, aka "Academic Agent" - Welsh-Iranian scholar, atheist, anti-Zionist & alt-right personality.

3. Daniel Haqiqatjou - Harvard educated American-Iranian (physics, philosophy). Devout Sunni Muslim, anti-Zionist.

Hearing all 3 is useful.

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