@Justicar What about paying a women for her services like a maid or prostitute? Context; I've used prostitution services before and I'm thinking about hiring a maid for my lazy ass.
@TenaciousGoat whatever floats your boat.
@Justicar Well, I was curious of your opinion whether or not I would be classified as a simp to you?
@TenaciousGoat paying for sex or maid is not simping. you would be simp if you paid and got nothing in return.
"Simping" goes way beyond the transactional. I don't even think of it as a mindset but an entire worldview.
I know this because as a Gen-Xer I was immersed and raised in simp blue-pill culture 24/7. I used to be that guy.
The most accurate definition I can come up with is this:
Simping = Chivalry + Feminism
Chivalry alone used to be enough to be a simp, but not today. And Feminism alone is not enough either. Simping requires both.
@UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat that pepe is good example why the current society is failing.