@Mike_Microwave @37712 @Stahesh Diabetes is cause by meat dairy and eggs high sugar in blood is because insuline can't bring the sugar inside the Cells cause the Cells walls are fucked cause All the cholesterol saturated fat in meat dairy and eggs.
I can eat All the sugar I want without any worry cause the Vegan Diet Is free Cholesterol and low in saturated fat
@VeganMGTOW @Mike_Microwave @37712 and my bets will be more or sugars.
because I tried protein milk chocolate flavore and it was pretty ok for my body when it was more protein than carbs.
Today I tried to ad 1/3 teaspoon of sugar in my coffee and the result are similar to yesterday sugary yogurt with fruits. But the feeling was more spread out from the point compare to yesterday where it was more located in one point.
@VeganMGTOW @Mike_Microwave @37712 Main problem is carbs sugars and probably dairy
Since refrigerators ice cream milk flavored milk cream yogurts Hard to tell about cheese or butter because they are mainly fat and protein that we need
carbs are buns in burger, pizza dough fries fried food doughnut
With sugars you can find them in sauces be it on side in burgers or with fries and in doughnuts
I tried yogurt with forest flavor for experiment and it caused me pain in my arm as reaction to it