I don't understand why anyone complains about 'nothing ever happens.'

Are you desperate for people to take your goyslop of the week seriously? I can't relate since those of us who do real work don't have to depend on hype.

@mage Well we are in Cage using our needs as levarage to keep US in this prison I would love to leave the city and live in the woods but I don't want to starve myself neither.

@VeganMGTOW An ideal situation for me is being able to kill every city liberal possible and just taking all their shit. Need some jihad bros

@mage @VeganMGTOW People like me that want to see some things to happens to see changes to move to better tomorrow.

But no.

Only thing we get is more inflation and things getting more woke and retarded.

We all know that current direction goes down. So if nothing happens nothing will change.

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW Once we actually do cause a real 'happening' these regime zogs sure won't be happy about it.

@mage @Stahesh This System belong to woman specially female Boomers the only real disrupt we can cause to the system Is not having babies

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh Speak for yourself I can fuck their shit up way faster than that lol. I'll have 20 babies and send those old bitches the bill. Die karen.

@mage @Stahesh What a waste of energy having 20 babies were 19 Will die before hit purberty and risky getting STD nah I will have babies only if the conditions are good enough.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh why would they die young? that's not really a problem anymore

@mage @Stahesh Cause if they don't have a father figure a role model both boys and girls they will turn to dangerous behaviours that Will end UP killing them and You are aware of the system

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh They won't die before they reproduce. Just look at America's giant underclass

@mage @Stahesh Well I guess You willing to become a underclass just to have babies

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh I'm already an underclass without them so what difference does it make


@mage @Stahesh End UP in jail a become Tyrone bitch cause child support.

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@mage @Stahesh In a western country?? Unless You live in a No Go Zone that is imposible

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