Oh no, we're busted!! Incel-mageddon, cop drama edition!!

Looking at you @VeganMGTOW ..

@UncleIroh I actually won the genetic lotery but lose in the contact lotery don't know anyone that can help me to go UP in the rat race ladder.

I am similar to TFM I don't like meaningless sex so if I don't earn enough money Not Even to support myself why in the hell I Will try to have a relationship Even if I got plenty of chances.


Same. Meaningless sex was never my thing, despite the opportunities.

I think it must be a character thing.

@UncleIroh The overlords stole Not only money they stole the oportunity to many men like us to have families Unfortunely we won't live enough to see the world back to basics the last chance Is 45 years old.


There are paths through this for the man who is totally committed to starting a family.

Those paths have constraints though. Your options are basically via a religious community, and/or moving abroad permanently, otherwise no.

@UncleIroh Nah I won't be a liar joining a Religion Community maybe the only Religion that I would willinging join would be a Pagán Patriarchy one but Christianity make sure to erase those. Abroad were to Africa Middle East Those are shit holes also religious fanstics that I despise we use to have secular Patriarchy Society but Feminism came hard after 1920 and now we are in the stage of terminal cancer.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh Only best bet for white people is to create pagan based patriarchy

Or try chances with Islam. So far they are best choice we have. But in long run can go down like christianity because it is same root religion so far it goes against jews and christians and have patriarchy in place

But they are pretty behind with technology and religion when they pray too much and place too much importance on allah and stupid religious rules and limitation that you need to follow

@Stahesh @UncleIroh All Abrahamic Religions are Dumb but I repect a little bit Judaism cause they use their Religion as a way to create a identity diferent from Islam and Christianity that are like Borgs that they want to turn averyone into them.

But yeah Europeans spiritually die the day the adopt Christianity as the only Religion.
I don't like this Neo Pagan stuff is just another anime covention the cosplay.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh Problem with neo paganism is that is full of women pretending to be witches.

But the spirit of old patriarchy is no longer to be found. When they put women as equals.

I liked this scene from vikings how they put heads as trophies and scared the christianity loving people

Because there should not be compation for your enemies if they refuse to let you live in peace you should kill them.

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