While I find gay shit instinctively repulsive, it does raise some questions in my mind.

1. What is the evolutionary purpose of being gay?

I thought tho whole point was survive and REPRODUCE.

2. How do we still have all these gay people when they don't reproduce?

2.1 Are aliens sending them to troll us? Or was Alex Jones right all along?


@basedbagel - I've heard a tentative theory that makes sense about a decade ago...

The gist is, that male gayness is a byproduct of a gene that is beneficial in females. Supposedly it contributes to a personality type that is happier, and generally more pleasant to be around. It's along the same lines as the sickle-cell anemia gene. It can cause problems for some individuals, but overall, is more of a help than a hindrance.

And gay dudes are generally much more pleasant company than dykes.

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