This France situation confuses me.

1. Why are young people rioting over pension reform that doesn't even affect them yet.

2. How does raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 even make that big of a difference?

3. Did any of these people stop and think that maybe the retirement age was raised because they couldn't AFFORD it?

This seems like a low IQ riot to me.


@basedbagel - Yeah... now that you mention it, maybe it is just a matter of the narrative.

Like: What's a reason for rioting, that help the media propagandists sell whatever point they're trying to sell?

Or, what's an acceptable reason to use political violence? and the media will present that as the reason for whatever is happening at any given time - because if there must be political violence that can't be ignored, then it must be enlisted into the leftist cause somehow... 🤔

Insightful 🍻

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