I'm so sick of this hurt people hurt people meme.

I know people who were abused/molested/neglected and they went on to be productive members in society and broke the cycle.

The supervillain mentality of bad shit happened to me so I must be a menace to society makes me sick.

Just admit you want to fuck with people because you're weak minded and morally bankrupt instead of making excuses.


@basedbagel - It's real. It's bullshit, but the bull is real, and the shit it drops is also real (as is the stench). 😅

Hurt people use their own pain as an excuse to inflict that pain onto others. No, it isn't justifiable... but that's often the logic at work in their heads.

They are weak minded and morally bankrupt. But to ignore or deny the phenomenon, invites a grave backstab on the personal level, and invites catastrophe on the societal level.

Cheers, and happy civilization building. 🍻

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