@mutageno - I think the entire concept of "trusted adults" is a magnet for predators - and the arrangement may even breed predatory behavior, by presenting temptation with a chance for zero consequences.

So I have concerns about them all: the priest, the church youth counselor, the public school teacher, the camp counselor, the gymnastics coach... all of them.

Any situation that gives an adult a window of secluded access, to a non-family minor, is likely to result in sexual problems.

@YoMomz @mutageno show me where they touched you little Billy

@Scubbie @mutageno - Ya know... 🤔 this shit is everywhere.

I can't decide if it should be accepted as a regular part of growing up...? Like when new parents are bringing their little bundle of joy home from the hospital, they have thoughts of their first words to come, their first steps, the first time they get raped by an adult, and what they might be as they grow up.

Or if all public institutions centered around children should be quietly abandoned.


@Scubbie @mutageno - But either way, it's shaping up to my mind, as a case of "pick one".

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