@sardonicsmile - I always knew Hollywood was dirty... But still, the extent of how fucked up it is (and how idolized it was, such a short time ago)... Well, I'm genuinely kinda shocked.
It's like having a nightmare - not like night terrors, but a deeply disturbing dream. Such a nightmare wouldn't bother someone, because while the subject of the dream was extremely unsettling, it's just a dream, right? But of course, the depravity of Hollywood turns out to not be a dream... but all too real.
@sardonicsmile - And it makes a reasonable assumption out of the unhinged thought, that somewhere, children born into families and circumstances not dissimilar to our own or those of children we know and love today (sons, daughters, nephews, and nieces)... are being sacrificed in cannibalistic rituals by people who are above the law.
There will be hell to pay. And it feels like sometimes... Hell isn't enough.