@shortstories - Depends on what one considers a "solution".
But nature always runs its course. When the welfare goes away, things will sort themselves out. Many useless and/or incapable people will perish. They will eat each other. And then they will starve.
In ancient times, many an army was devoured by deserts they attempted to cross. It didn't matter to the desert, how big an army was - they all perished.
When welfare goes away, useless people will find themselves in such a desert. 🥃
@shortstories - I'm good with a legal change allowing betrothal at 15, and marriage at 16.
12 is a bit too young, in my professional opinion. But, different strokes for different folks.
I foresee balkanization in the future, and a lot of sovereign villages and hamlets. If one of those places should wish to have 12yo betrothals, it will be no concern of mine.
I think it would have bad results in terms of infant mortality, and girls dying in labor. That's mostly why I can't support it.