I've been studying classical & archaic Greece, learning about the city-state model.

And as far as I know, the concept of Greek tragedy was rooted in the tragic flaw - a trait someone possesses that leads to glory, but also to their fall from grace.

Jews have a tragic flaw that propels them (as a culture) into power and "glory" (such as it is, & maybe esteem is a better word). Perhaps it's their ability to misrepresent who they are, and what their goals are. Maybe it's their cultural ➡️

➡️ talent for banking. Or it could be a propensity for infiltration & subversion. But the same trait that gains them entry and influence, leads to their downfall & expulsion.

But I had an epiphany: Jews don't operate in a vacuum. Their tragic flaw acts symbiotically with the tragic flaw of the larger West: Christianity.

Christianity is what has made the West so susceptible. Basically, through Christianity, the West was "asking for it".

I don't think Judaism could be nearly so successful in a Pagan or heathen world. Christianity's emphasis on tolerance, forgiveness, and loving your enemies... is precisely what allows Jews to succeed so well.

Worth noting: Hadrian was pagan.

@mrhorsetwat - I would file that under the "fall from grace" portion of their character arc in Russia.

You can't pogrom someone who isn't there. So they had to have shown up at some point, embedded themselves in the wider Russian society, and then over-reached. And the Russian society they embedded in was Christian.

All of this really begs the question: Is Christianity a big Jewish psy-op? an uncomfortable question, because so many people have given their lives for Jesus... but maybe? 🤔🤔

@YoMomz @mrhorsetwat Have you read The Antichrist? Nietzsche discusses this thoroughly.


@DoubleD @mrhorsetwat - I have not. But I will purchase it in hardcover for my library.

Thanks for the tip, homey. 😄🍻

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