Is PTSD just fear?

@Scubbie - voted "yes", because it's closer to my controversial take on modern PTSD (excluding WWI shell shock where you can see the crazy eyes, for example).

Basically, I suspect about 90% of PTSD boils down to a conflict between whatever is socially acceptable, and whatever a person did or suffered. Soldiers are filled with Christian ideals that say "don't kill", and yet they killed people. Some women are brought up to not be sluts (not as many as should be, I know. But still, they exist) ➡️


@Scubbie - ➡️ and yet, they get raped - or more commonly, they get carried away in a moment of sluttiness & no self-control.

Then these people have to reconcile these contradictory conditions... 🤔 and when they can't, we call that PTSD. 💁🏻‍♂️

If we dropped the Christianity, and either accepted the sluttiness of women socially (never gonna happen until we go full-bonobo), or we restrict their ability to be slutty or get raped (as in patriarchy)... then we would see a lot less PTSD.

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