This is my plan if I have a daughter:

1. I WILL NOT raise her in the west.

2. If she doesn't have a special skill or talent, when she turns 18 I'm handing her over to a man and he will pay a dowry.

3. She will be home-schooled and watched like a hawk to make sure she doesn't get any bright ideas.

4. She can still have fun participating in church activities and such but she will NOT go to college (unless #2 is true).

Let me know if I missed anything or if you have any critiques.


@basedbagel - Sounds solid. Not having interference from her mother seems like a challenge under current circumstances. Maybe as things progress, it will become less of an obstacle.

I've heard that traditionally, the bride's family pays the dowry to the groom. Never made sense to me for the longest.

But that dowry paid by the bride's family, is something like a house-warming gift. And it goes to the groom, because he's the head of household - but it's intended to give the bride a good start.🍻

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