It's embarrassing that Halsey is the most level-headed person on the show, as long as the issue isn't related to Jews and their psyops, obviously.

Then you have the goyim co-hosts still falling for Trump and Putin's Jewish theater and pretending women losing their rights would solve anything, when it's the men enforcing all the problems, including feminism.

It would be disheartening, if there weren't other channels out there that get what's going on.

@Based_Accelerationist >pretending women losing their rights would solve anything, when it's the men enforcing all the problems, including feminism

So which is it, "feminism doesn't cause any harm" or "feminism is harmful (because of men)"?

@EvilSandmich Ideas aren't harmful, actions are. Female nature/feminism is fine as long as the men aren't weak losers. Women should shit test men, it's important for the species.
In fact, even now, feminism is doing God's work, by culling the weak men. Nature regulating itself. If it wan't for money printing, women would have already performed their role and destroyed these weak societies from within.

@Based_Accelerationist > feminism is doing God's work, by culling the weak men.
Such libertarian bullsh!t
>If such ideas are bad then society will be destroyed
>>See, I was right
You want a lollypop as a prize for playing a part in helping to destroy Western Civilization?

@EvilSandmich @Based_Accelerationist - Western civilization deserves to die. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Once upon a time, Western civilization was magnificent. It has become horrible, and needs to be put out of its misery.

The best anyone can do, is work to build a better civilization to replace it.

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@YoMomz @Based_Accelerationist A new civilizational model is needed, but we got to this point because people thought they could keep taking stuff out of it and not put anything back. If that isn’t at least seen as something that needs to be rectified then any future model will quickly suffer the same fate. We need a model that builds our people up, not sh!ts on them because they live under the yolk of a crap system. That f@cker OP is probably renting houses out to Haitians because they’re the “real Americans“ or some crap like that.
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