@basedbagel @UncleIroh It's not a meme, it's very real.. The dog pill is quite an old fact too
Thats so disgusting. I don't even like people that kiss dogs like you know they drink toilet water and eat their own asses right?
It's definitely not a meme. Bestiality has been present everywhere, still is.
Commodus started the spectacle of public displays of bestiality as part of the Roman games. Women fucking horses and whatnot in front of crowds.
I could have gone my whole like without knowing that...
I appreciate the info but from now on with the beastiality pill I'm better off blue.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh
You might be as blue as you wish, but when you see thots with big dogs at home or a white woman buying a peanut jar, you'll forever know what she is doing every night.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh
Don't forget it's 1 in 200 who had sex with their dog a couple days before going to the pap smear. If you eliminate the time condition, it's at least around 1%.