@YoMomz I am not inclined to believe a female can be "intimidated" into not reporting an offender.
Women are NOT afraid of men because they implicitly understand men are socially conditioned to Not retaliate and there are No consequences to their accusatuons or aggravated assault/abuse.
Besides "rape shield" laws do not even reveal the identity. They are completely out of the picture. You neither know who is accusing you nor do you have your Right to face your accuser.


@sardonicsmile @YoMomz
If you get falsely accused, you can always go back and rape for real all women from your past.

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@Zeb @YoMomz No, My Guy. The only thing we can do is treat it as a lesson. If you get bitten by a snake, then you do not go back to the snakes and try and reason with them and find out why they bit you; you just avoid them going forward.
Unless there are No Good Options. If she is legitimitely threatening you to ruin your life/Freedom. You have a choice to Not continue your life (or hers) as a victim. She has revealed herself a Threat. Neutralize. However, Prison is no joke as a man...

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