@Scubbie Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I'm still waiting for white nationalists to drop the Christian bullshit and embrace a more buddhist/taoist spiritualism, so if discoveries like this help them do it, so much the better.
The irony of the message is that based on my understanding, white nationalists only consider Germans and English to be "white". They don't consider other Caucasoid ethnicities to be white.
So one step forward, two steps back, as it were.
@Tfmonkey I find the theory that an Aryan race that survived from colonies of the destroyed continent of Plato’s Atlantis,spread amongst all civilizations teaching the original daoist type beliefs and agriculture and fucking the natives is why we find the Swaztika as a symbol of power in all cultures,across many continents,the out of Africa theory covers this up.After all “We be Colonizer’s.”
@Scubbie a probable site for Atlantis was found in Africa, so both the Atlantean theory and the "out of Africa" theory may both be true, but not in the way that modern scholars think.