I've had enough.

Today marks the day I have been asked out by more men than women...

Every time I ask why they think I'm gay all I get is a sheepish look.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?!

@basedbagel There aren't even that many gay people in the country, so you are likely going to gay hangouts in the first place if you're getting hit on my men.

If you're into penis, go enjoy some penis. Cherish the man ass. Just watch out for AIDS, tapeworms, and monkeypox.


I don't unless you consider college a gay hangout. I only ever went out to find women but now that I'm mgtow there's no need.

I'm not into dudes, I was just shocked there were any gays in my area. I'm not breaking rule #1 but trust me if you knew where I lived you would be shocked too.

@basedbagel I recommend going to college online and in the evenings for a fraction of the price and getting a job during the day and getting some experience in your chosen industry instead of chasing college pussy and having gay dudes hit on you.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel
I started in regular university but was working the whole time. Ended up switching to night school and it was much better overall. The students were more serious and most of the professors actually had day jobs and actually wanted to teach instead of teaching because they were made to while they were chasing tenure.

@midway @Tfmonkey

Good choice, looking back on it I would have done the same

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
I was in college during the 90s as I took 7 years to get my undergraduate because I was working. It was just starting to get bad then. Wokeness was just starting to enter the mandatory classes. I literally missed it by one year. It is way worse now.
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