My prayers have been answered!

SBF just got arrested!

All you jootards and your conspiracy bullshit just got proven wrong in REAL TIME!

Can't wait to see what excuse jootards have now.

@basedbagel I think he'll either get let go with a slap on the wrist based on his parents being in with the WEF and all the donations he made to Democrats, or he'll be Epsteined in his cell.

I'm leaning towards being Epsteined.


@Tfmonkey I think epsteined is a bit of a stretch unless he has some serious dirt on the democrats.

He claims he donated the same amount of money to the republicans through dark money but I don't trust a word he says.

I'm optimistic about him going to prison given the public saw through the MSM gaslighting.

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey or a cabinet position in the second biden/harris term

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