
@Tfmonkey I know you're (rightfully) pissed at dlive for banning you at random without saying anything but it might not be their fault.

Hear me out I have a theory.

TLDR: 3 letter agency forced dlive to ban you without warning or saying anything by using domestic terrorism as justification.

The secret service released a report this year saying mgtow/pua/incels (They see us all the same) are a domestic threat promoting violence against women.


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@Tfmonkey Here's a direct quote from the SS report:

"Incel is used to describe
an online subculture in the “manosphere” – a network of blogs and forums frequented by groups including incels, MRAs, MGTOW, and PUAs.
Although these groups are known to promote male-dominant views, some members express extreme ideologies involving anti-woman hate, sexual objectification of women, and calls for VIOLENCE TARGETING WOMEN."

The keywords there are MGTOW and violence against women.



That gives them the justification to give dlive a gag order. Which means they can't say anything until their "investigation" is over.

The gov can easily say "We want all information you have on these accounts and they should all be suspended before these dangerous incels incite violence against women."

So I think dlive banned you out of self-preservation/gov pressure and couldn't tell you about it by law even if they wanted to.



@basedbagel All of that may be true, but I can still be ass mad about it.

@Tfmonkey Fair enough. But at least dlive unbanned you unlike twitter which is all talk.

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