Do you thing its worth fighting over a woman? (For argument's sake, lets say she has no rights)

In general, I believe you should be willing to fight for what matters to you

But I have mixed feelings about it when it comes to women.

I don't want to look like a pussy but I also don't see why I should risk getting my ass beat at random and look like <70 iq caveman fighting over some pussy.

What do you think?

@basedbagel It is a woman's job to not get herself out of pocket. Especially if she is with you. Moreover, if she does, she is signaling that she is still looking and available to the next best man. The only thing preventing her is opportunity and hesitancy. Once those metrics are met/overcome, she will move on. ...They settle. They ALL settle.


@sardonicsmile Well said, I feel good about my decision now.

I had similar thoughts but the lizard brain is a powerful thing and it clouded my thinking.

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@basedbagel Glad I could help. This community is the Only place were we can discuss these topics and get honest feedback; feedback that is in *our* interests; from *our* mental point of origin. Remember: women *want* drama. Especially if it is about them. The ONLY one who will lose is *You*. You will go to jail over an assault and aggravated battery charge. Do you think she will bail you out? Retain an attorney? Be a solid character witness, for you? She will distance herself from you.

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