You shouldn't be forced to go to school by law.

Forcing kids that don't want to be in school to attend causes:

Wasted resources tracking kids
Distracting those who want to learn

@basedbagel education should be privatized, otherwise it’s just glorified daycare.


I'm convinced that the system is fucked like this on purpose to provide shadow welfare in the form of teaching jobs.

@basedbagel yeah fuck the teachers unions, nobody seems to actually care about the kids.

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

In your typical anime it seems as if kids can just take time off, go home, or just drop out to become NEETs for extended periods of time. I wonder if that's actually true.



I'd like to think that's true but I'm not sure.

At my school kids basically dropped in. They didn't participate and just slide by because they couldn't leave.

It's really a waste of time as research kids could have learned a trade after middle school and been better off

@basedbagel @UncleIroh The school system only cares about pleasing the local and state government, they don’t actually care about teaching kids actual real life skills. Passing kids as opposed to failing them makes the schools appear much better than they actually are, it’s really sad.

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Education is one of those fundamental issues that divides politics with bright lines. Look at the picture below to see why.

It literally divides Modern Conservatism from so-called Paleo-Conservatism, which can be summarized as Globalist/OpenBorders vs TradCon. And surprise surprise, Jews play the major role in that divide (

Start by abolishing the Dept of Education and all federal control. Then we can talk.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight

That chart was very helpful as the paleo-conservative thing always confused me.

I agree the dept. of education has to go. Private education may not be perfect but at least it's fixable unlike what we have now.

I agree the Jews did play a role in that. I'm well aware the Jew is at the top of the hierarchy here. I just don't think they act any different from any other group with power.

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight

Objectively you're wrong. Jewish ethics towards out-groups have proven beyond question to be uniquely coercive and destructive. It is what it is.

Beyond the normal human proclivity for deception and self-interest, no other group comes close to their record.

You might be Jewish yourself, I don't care, but there have always been a tiny minority of Jews who are based and honest enough to recognize their unique role in repeated events like these.


@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight

You make good points but I don't like when people give a certain group such power as if they did something superhuman.

it reminds me of how black people always complain about how whites are inherently evil because of how they treated other races CENTURIES ago.

Only to find out when the tables turned they did the SAME shit they hated the whites for in South Africa.

Just because a group is on top doesn't make them special or evil.

Every group has it's time.

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@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight

> I don't like when people give a certain group such power as if they did something superhuman.

I neither pedestalize nor demonize Jews. As I keep saying, they are what they are. It's your universalist defaults that insist you treat them with the same trust and license you would with a person that shares your same cultural ethic. They don't.

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