I'm still seeing normies talking about suing the gov and big pharma over the vax.

Why do people think suing will stop the gov from killing you?

How are they going to sue after a heart attack/VAIDS/Stroke?

We'll find out together!


It just goes to show you how strong group think and propaganda are that they can override.your own self-interest to SURVIVE.

I always knew that normies were stupid but this vax really takes the cake.

@basedbagel people can be brainwashed into nearly anything over a long enough period just needs to be widespread enough and mass disseminated and you can convince alot of people quite easily


@VooDooMedic Spot on but hats off to the elites for pulling a 9-11 style fear to get people to turn their brains off.

9-11 actually made sense to be scared of since we had no internet and real death. Covid had a 98% survival rate and still had people in a frenzy. It's insane

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@VooDooMedic So that means everyone's vaxxed except you, the Aussie elites, and the aboriginals...

Once you get old you'll be like Victor Frankel of Australia telling stories of what Austraila was like before it went extinct

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