
My Dad cursed out the headmaster of the school because they tried to give him ADD meds in PRESCHOOL.

if you're not willing to fight for your kids then don't have them!

@basedbagel yeah it seems people have kids nowadays for extremely selfish reasons to “leave a legacy”, but it doesn’t seem like parents actually give a shit about kids or the future especially since they’re letting them get blood clots, heart attacks, vaids and hepatitis from the clot shots. Sadly most people are cowards and extremely selfish, as long as there is too much for them to lose they won’t stand up against the status quo.

@basedbagel I couldn't agree more. To go along with that people saying that apathy is better than hate are morons. 'It's just whatever man accept the system' Yes, but work to steel yourself while you can instead of indulge apathetically. I also find it far healthier to hate because I care or love something than to neglect it outright.

Circling back: To HATE anything that would harm your kids in such a way is the correct response. To be apathetic towards it is the lowest thing one can do.

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