It’s tough being a women. Think about how many guys are in that club hitting on her. Oh won’t somebody think of the female plight.

@Pain66 Yet people still tell me that doomsday is coming for women.

It's very sad but that's the harsh reality of being a man.

@basedbagel @Pain66 - It kind of is though...

In the weeks after SHTF, medications will be gone - and all the STDs are gonna manifest. Females over 40, are just a write-off. They're done.

But even perky titted 25yos are gonna be passed over when their lesioned, green pus-filled pussies show up.

Sadly, the young females (pre-teens and below) will probably fare "best". I remember after the Haiti earthquake, people were finding 2yo girls with gonorrhea in their mouth.

@basedbagel @Pain66 - As for males? Well, of course they're fucked. But that's just competition anyway, so fuck'em.

We tried to tell them to prepare, to recognize the nature of their existence, and 87% of them* actively chose to ignore all that. So they get what they get.

If men who are prepared, with a disposition for cooperation, can find one another in the wasteland... those men are worth their weight in gold.

It's Darwinian time!

*citation: percentage number pulled outta my ass


@YoMomz @Pain66

I 85% agree with you.

To this Ukranian hoe all that this war really changed was the man she bends over for.

To this man his entire way of life is ruined from a 100% AVOIDABLE war.

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