The biggest red pill i ever got was that women can't self-actualize.

I can't even imagine living like that.

How can you appreciate art, literature or architecture?

It still blows my mind

@basedbagel The biggest Red Pill I ever got was understanding that MOST of the people who I thought meant the world to me; I did not mean Anything to them. I was totally unmemorable to them. As a man, you are useless, unless you are providing value to someone else and once that flow of resources ends, so does your existence, to them.


@sardonicsmile You know it's funny you say that I remember my dad telling me that and thinking:

"what a bitter boomer, thinking everything is transactional."

While I've seen a few exceptions I can't help but agree.

It's kind of sad but I used it to my advantage back in the day.

Being the go to guy/connector for people and bartering skills is a great way to grow a social circle of useful people.

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